Tomas Hetmanek was born in 1982 in Sumperk, Czech Republic. He graduated from Masaryk
University in Brno, Czech Republic as a Bc. of Social Pedagogy in 2002. He is a self taught
photographer and historical processes educator. In his work he is using primarily large format view
Artist Intervenes, online collective exhibition, March 2021, Lenscratch Magazine
Eye of the Beholder, online collective exhibition, June 2020, Analog Forever Magazine
Evcilik Günleri, online collective exhibition, April 2020, Bantmag Magazine
Çekim Merkezi Olarak Şiir, 25.11 – 25.12.2018, Halka Sanat Gallery, İstanbul
Washed Ashore, collective exhibition, 27-29 July 2018, Sunnyside Observatory, San Francisco
Portraits II, 29-30th April 2018, Hale Atelier, İstanbul
Portraits, 9-29th August 2017, Halka Sanat Gallery, İstanbul
Creative Photography Method, Ongoing from 2021
Introduction to Alternative Photography, with Aralikmag, January 2021
Wet Plate Photography Workshop for Soho House İstanbul ‘3 October 2016
Other projects:
Continuing series of interviews with turkish alternative process photographers called Kimyasal
Muhabbetler (Chemical Talks).